And now we are three.
Kids, that is. A family of five.
I have been busy making a person, not doing much blogging.

42 weeks on the dot, on March 13th I began labor about noon and gave birth about 10pm.

We had another lovely birth at home. The kids were even here this time.

I am now a proud member of the 'mom of boys' club, and the 'I had my ten pound baby at home' club!

I am also a member of the 'I had a c-section' club from the first baby, and then joined the VBAC/ 'I had a normal birth after a c-section' club for the second child.
Home Swede Home Birth

The birth team- we hired a home birth midwife from Copenhagen, and the same doula from last birth.

Baby Hands

Finally settling in, 4 weeks later! Welcome SwedeBoy!!!
I can not believe you have a boy!......and THREE kids! So sweet, much!
Yay! It is great to get back and have such a lovely update to read. Can't wait to meet SwedeBoy!
He's beautiful! Congratulations! :)
Congratulations on your Swedeboy. Now we're twins,both of us have two daughters and a son. I'm so happy he arrived healthy and safely and that everyone is doing so well. You have such a beautiful family. I wish all of you much joy and I'm really glad to see you again.
I've followed your blog for a while - and kind of missed it already ;-)
Welcome back, welcome Swedeboy and congratulations to you!
I bet your hearts are exploding with love!!! Congratulations!
Hello, i stumbled on your blog for a google hit on homebirth in sweden.
pleeeeaaaassse do tell me how you went about it!!
I am so interested. I did not have m first at home because i found no information and had 2 over worrying at mothers waiting for there delayed by 1 month grandson at home and opted for hospital instead. It was however still natural but not at home.
I want the next at home and would love to trust my body more! and i would love to hear your story! please do comment, im scared to give out my email for spamming reasons but i will definately check once a week for a comment :)
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