Friday, May 21, 2010

Cherry Valley in Bloom
This cherry valley is a short walk away. When the trees bloom, they rain white petals on their many admirers that come from afar to see them. I suspected today they were in their full glory, so I proded, cajoled, and ultimately pushed both girls in the stroller up the hill on our walk to go see them, luring them with a promise of more water play.

The Cherry Blossoms
The Valley
Cherry Valley Picnic
Field and Stream
The Catch of the Day- Frogs
He soon got a friend
Trying out the Boots I remembered we had for SwedeBaby, a bit big but they did the trick.
And cute!
Pretty Stream
When the sun comes out in Sweden, you can not imagine it was ever gone.
Iridescent Bug, blue and shiny, and a super quick runner!
The Sounds of the Valley
It was hot today, the kind of hot that stays on your face after you get home. The heat that makes me feel like jumping in a swimming pool, or the nice warm Gulf of Mexico back home in Florida. I am pretty sure if I feel this heat, my inner thermostat has changed since my Florida days! How would I ever live there again now I know that the outdoors can be mild and pleasant in summer!!! And while the sun comes out hot and bright in the day, we still reach for long sleeves and night, and know there is no warm swimming until we defect to Italy later in the summer. It was enough to get me playing Italian Children's music when we got back, and dream of swimming in the Mediterranean in August.


karen said...

some violet jam, perhaps?

would go well with your dandelion harvest of the other day!


How wonderful...x
Excellent photography too!

Valarie said...

What a fantastic day. Your children are just beautiful. It's so great you caught a frog. How fun. We had a huge amount of violets this year. I soak them overnight in water and then make a simple syrup out of the violet water and put it on top of ice cream. Yum. Enjoy.

catching caterpillars said...

oh my oh my... these are GORGEOUS!!! your little girls are quite something... adorable, spunky, sweet souls... I could just kiss them to pieces!!! I love that Cherry Blossom valley by your home... I still see it in my dreams... lovely really! We're coming to Sweden this summer (july6- aug12)... hope to see you!!! xoxoxoxoxo

SwedeLife said...

We will be here, please come for a visit!!