Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday SwedeGirl!

So the celebrations for the 4th birthday a went on and on....First we had a "Family Party" where she invited her best Florida birthday bud (her little buddy who is a year and a day younger) over at her grandma and grandpa's. She wanted the kids to dress up, so they donned princess outfits and super hero costumes after going for a swim...She got to enjoy her birthday with her Florida family one week early.
Then, on her Birthday proper, Valentine's Day, we fulfilled her 6 month long dream of having a bowling party, which she conceived of after attending our buddy's bowling party in the USA in June. She invited her two best friends from Dagis/ preschool (her best buddy here is also exactly a year and a day younger! Born the exact same day as her Florida friend! ), and her cousin, and we enjoyed some family bowling and decorating cupcakes.
When you bowl with kids they put up bumpers to prevent gutter balls and give them a ramp to launch the ball with. It makes it fun for even small, small bowlers!

My Tummy LOOKS like a bowling ball! The Bowling Trophy Room/ Birthday Room!!!
The Do-it-Yourself Cupcake Decorating
It lends itself to extremes!
She loved having the left over cupcake stuff at home, it made for a good craft/ dessert!! We used India Tree brand natural food coloring from Whole Foods in Florida, and colored frosting and pearl sugar to make naturally colored sprinkles and frosting. It was a real treat since we usually avoid food coloring, as food coloring generally makes the Swedegirl cuck-o-lookoo in BAD way.....these colors helped us enjoy a nice healthy alternative!

And finally, because her big kid cousins could not make the bowling party, we celebrated Valentine's Day/ Swede Girl's birthday a THIRD time, by having a 'Swedish family dinner', complete with another birthday cake.

I think we got this birthday covered!!!


Liquid Pen said...

Yea for valentine birthdays!...and bowling alleys in're right those cupcake frosting clolors rock!

Nic's NEWs said...

I second that - yea for valentine birthdays! There are a few of us. Glad it was a good celebration.