Monday, October 5, 2009

Our (first ever) Garden Grew

Speaking of pumpkins and harvests, this is what our end of season garden looks like now on October 5th:

Our sunflowers bloomed on the first day of fall!

The wind toppled it over this weekend, but this is how tall it was September 9th, two weeks before it opened. SwedeDaddy is 6 feet tall.

We will plant everything earlier next year. Swedegirl has been having fun picking sunflower seeds from the flowers at school.

Here was the garden in Mid-August when the peas ripened up.

The peas produced very few pods for the glory of the plants, and got a powerdy mildew they spread to the zucchinis, which put a damper on their go-go-go production. The zukes were definantly the most prolific and rewarding part of the garden. They produce plenty of somthing you can eat for dinner.

Our late planted garden really got producing tomatoes about the middle of September!

Duly noted, we will plant future tomatoes earlier than early June! The yellow pear shaped tomatoes got hit by a sudden wilting disease and is just about to croak.

The peppers were planted in the wrong place and were quickly eclipsed by the tomatoes. They did not grow. Ditto for the corn.

Our pumpkins made many flowers, but created three substantial pumpkins that are still waiting to be harvested. Two smalls, one biggie. They were not the big orange jack-o-lantern kind we thougth they were! But they are probably bound for carving anyway. Maybe I can convince Swedegirl to let me make soup with one of them. With the air threatening to get frosty at night, we may have to pick the green tomatoes and try this recipe. We still have one yellow rose in the garden holding on to the last but of summer.


catching caterpillars said...

ahhhh how lovely! nothing like a garden full of treats! how amazing this must be for your family to experience! I loooove love love reading your blog and looking at all of the pretty pictures of how life really is.. in a far away land, called Sweden. thank you! :-)

Nic's NEWs said...

WOW!! I am impressed with how your garden grows and what you have produced!!