Something about seeing her sister, the quick flapping of the fan, and a cool blast of air on a muggy day made SwedeBaby totally crack up laughing...
There have not been too many baby shot lately, so here she is.

Her favorite hang out is in this moses basket on wheels- table height, easily pushed around the first floor of the house.

She is 5 months old. Her talents include rolling both ways front to back (careful where you put her, she travels to the otherside of the room!), scooting, waving, saying "mama", and she can find her feet on request. she is working on getting two teeth. And of course, her circus tricks with her dad of balancing on the hand. And she loves splashing in the pool, and can go underwater with me.
what a BEAUTIFUL and happy looking baby!
Oh she is a doll! It makes me so happy to hear about your littlest one. And also sad I don't know her. Give both gals a hug for me... missing you all.
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