Friday, July 17, 2009

Swimming Pool in Sweden
It's freaking cold, 72 degrees or so, but knowing the village pool is only open June 15- August 15th, and that is all the sun and pool we will get for the year is motivating. So we get in anyway. Brrrrrr. With some days in the 80's with no air conditioning, though, it can actually feel pretty good!And it is keeping us happy while dagis/ preschool is closed for summer.
The pool is really to cold for the baby to swim comfortably in, but she does not mind a quick dip. Swedegirl was far better in the water at this age, just from more frequent exposure and better temperatures. We may just have to consider paying the $150 for baby swim lessons, just to have access to a warmer pool. They heat up indoor pools for baby swim.

1 comment:

Andy said...

TOTALLY chubalicious baby you have there, mama! Ori is still totally swim averse, 99% because he hates the CCCccccccold! I think I too will shell out for the heated pool later in the year. He's very stubborn about it. :{ It IS very motivating knowing that in 3 weeks you won't have outdoor pool time any more! Yikes!